Tag Archives: Uruguay

(Español) La Red 21 “LibreBus trajo a Uruguay su campaña por software y cultura libres en América Latina”
16 September, 2012

(Español) rebelArte: “LibreBus en Montevideo: Charla-Debate sobre Música, Internet y Licencias Libres”
7 September, 2012

(Español) Uni Radio: “Audio: Librebus, un proyecto sobre software y cultura libre”
7 September, 2012

Report of the First Day in Uruguay
4 September, 2012
We had a date in a Buenos Aires bar – a porteño (as the locals refer to themselves) corner pizzeria a couple of blocks from the Argentine National Congress. Soon we were joined by all the Librenauts who were leaving that day, Jaime, Francis, Julián, Sol, Teresa, Lautaro, Renata, Diego y Julia, along with some […]