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(Español) Arte y cultura en circulación: algunas conclusiones sobre el curso abierto y masivo del LibreBus
29 October, 2012

Report of the First Day in Uruguay
4 September, 2012
We had a date in a Buenos Aires bar – a porteño (as the locals refer to themselves) corner pizzeria a couple of blocks from the Argentine National Congress. Soon we were joined by all the Librenauts who were leaving that day, Jaime, Francis, Julián, Sol, Teresa, Lautaro, Renata, Diego y Julia, along with some […]

Webinar: “Art and culture in circulation: Introduction to copyright and free licenses.”
1 August, 2012
Start of course “Art and culture in circulation: Introduction to copyright and free licenses.” Along with Arctic Online from Uruguay, Creative Commons Argentina will be offering during the month of September and October an online course open and free: “Art and culture in circulation: Introduction to copyright and free licenses.” The course is for the […]